國立屏東大學 資訊工程學系 程式設計(二)
turnin code c.hw11
due date: March 4, 16:30
[9:19 user@ws hw11] ./a.out Please input 2 numbers: 5 10 The maximum value of 5 and 10 is 10. [9:19 user@ws hw11]執行結果與輸出格式必須與上述一致
[9:19 user@ws hw11] ./a.out Please input 5 numbers: [1]: 32 [2]: 6 [3]: 900 [4]: 42 [5]: 7 The maximum value and the minimum values are 900 and 6, respectively. [9:19 user@ws hw11]執行結果與輸出格式必須與上述一致