國立屏東大學 資訊工程學系
turnin code cpp.hw1
[9:19 user@ws hw1] ./a.out Please input year in AD: 2013 2013 AD is ROC 102. [9:19 user@ws hw1] ./a.out Please input year in AD: 1911 1911 AD is ROC 0. [9:19 user@ws hw1] ./a.out Please input year in AD: 2050 2050 AD is ROC 139. [9:19 user@ws hw1]
[9:19 user@ws hw1] ./a.out Please input the width: 5 Please input the height: 6 The area is 5 x 6 = 30. [9:19 user@ws hw1] ./a.out Please input the width: 10 Please input the height: 12 The area is 10 x 12 = 120. [9:19 user@ws hw1]