國立屏東大學 資訊工程學系 程式設計(一)
turnin code c.hw4
due date: 2014/10/16 23:59
[9:19 user@ws hw4] ./a.out short int: MAX=XXXXXX MIN=XXXXXX int: MAX=XXXXXX MIN=XXXXXX long int: MAX=XXXXXX MIN=XXXXXX [9:19 user@ws hw4]註:XXXXXX的部份為各型態之最小值與最大值
[9:19 user@ws hw4] ./a.out unsigned short int: MAX=XXXXXX unsigned int: MAX=XXXXXX unsigned long int: MAX=XXXXXX [9:19 user@ws hw4]註:XXXXXX的部份為各型態之最大值
[9:19 user@ws hw4] ./a.out short int: memory space = XXXXXX bytes. int: memory space = XXXXXX bytes. long int: memory space = XXXXXX bytes. [9:19 user@ws hw4]註:XXXXXX的部份為各型態佔用記憶體之空間
[9:19 user@ws hw4] ./a.out An int variable is declared and allocated at memory address 0xXXXXXXXX. [9:19 user@ws hw4]註:0xXXXXXXXX的部份為該整數所分配到的記憶體位址
[9:19 user@ws hw4] ./a.out Please input an int: XXX Decimal(XXX)=Hexadecimal(XXXXXX). Please input an int in octal: XXX Octal(XXX)=Hexadecimal(XXXXX). [9:19 user@ws hw4]註:XXXX的部份為使用者輸入與程式輸出之數值
[9:19 user@ws hw4] ./a.out Please input a floating number: XXX.XXXX XXX.XXXX can be represented by YYYYYYYYYY. [9:19 user@ws hw4]註:XXX.XXXX為使用者輸入,YYYYYYYYY則為程式輸出之數值
[9:19 user@ws hw4] ./a.out Please input a character: A ASCII code = XXX. [9:19 user@ws hw4]註:A為使用者輸入,XXX則為程式輸出之數值