國立屏東大學 資訊工程系 物件導向程式設計
turnin code cpp.hw1-1
int n; cout << "How many strings do you want to input? "; cin >> n; char **str = new char * [n]; ... for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { ... str[i] = new char[21]; ... } ...
你可能須要載入「#include <string>」或「#include <cstring>」等相關的標頭檔
[02:16 junwu@ws hw1]$ ./a.out How many strings do you want to input? 5 Input 1: Willemite Input 2: Subject Input 3: sub rosa Input 4: Birth Date Input 5: subJeCtS Lexicographical Ordering... birth date sub rosa subject subjects willemite [02:16 junwu@ws hw1]$
turnin code cpp.hw1-2
#define LenFN 20 #define LenLN 10 #ifndef STRUCT_NAME #define STRUCT_NAME struct Name { char firstname[LenFN+1]; char lastname[LenLN+1]; }; Name *setName(const char *name); #endif
#include "name.h" char *initial(Name *n);
using namespace std; #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include "name.h" #include "initial.h" int main() { Name *someone = new Name; char *name = new char[LenFN+LenLN+1]; cout << "Please input your name: "; for(int i=0;i<(LenFN+LenLN);i++) cout << "_"; for(int i=0;i<(LenFN+LenLN);i++) cout << "\b"; cin.getline(name, LenFN+LenLN); someone = setName(name); cout << "Your first name is " << someone->firstname << "." << endl; cout << "Your last name is " << someone->lastname << "." << endl; cout << "The initial of your name is " << initial(someone) << endl; return 0; }
using namespace std; #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include "name.h" Name *setName(const char *name) { Name *somebody = new Name; ... return somebody; }
注意:你只須turnin 「name.cpp」與「initial.cpp」這兩個程式!我們會使用以下的方式,編譯你的程式:
g++ -c name.cpp g++ -c initial.cpp g++ main1.cpp name.o initial.o
[02:16 junwu@ws hw1]$ ./a.out Please input your name: Yo-Yo Ma______________________ Your first name is Yo-Yo. Your last name is Ma. The initial of your name is Ma, Y.-Y. [02:16 junwu@ws hw1]$ ./a.out Please input your name: Wu, Jun________________________ Your first name is Jun. Your last name is Wu. The initial of your name is Wu, J. [02:16 junwu@ws hw1]$
本題所需之檔案,可至ws.csie.nptu.edu.tw上取得,其所在目錄為/home/stu/public/cpp2020/hw1-2 。