國立屏東大學 資訊工程學系 程式設計(一)
練習if, switch與條件運算式。
turnin code c.hw7
due date: November 6, 23:59
- 設計一個名為passOrFail.c的程式
- 要求使用者輸入成績(一個整數)
- 若成績大於等於60分,輸出You are pass!
- 若成績小於60分,輸出You are fail!
- 若成績超過100分或低於0分,輸出Error!
- 程式執行結果參考:
[1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Input your score: 80 You are pass! [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Input your score: 59 You are fail! [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Input your score: 110 Error! [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Input your score: -10 Error!
- 設計一個名為sum.c的程式
- 要求使用者輸入一個正整數n
- 若該輸入之數值小於等於10,則計算1+2+…+n的值並加以輸出
- 若該輸入之數值大於10,則輸出“Your input larger than 10.”
- 若該輸入之數值小於1,則輸出“Error!”
- 程式執行結果參考:
[1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Please input a number: 3 The sum of 1 to 3 is 6. [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Please input a number: 12 Your input larger than 10. [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Please input a number: 0 Error!
- 設計一個名為wakeUp.c的程式
- 要求使用者輸入星期幾,0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, … ,5 for Friday, 6 for Saturday
- 依據輸入,輸出該日的起床時間,如下表
day | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
wake up time | 7:30 | 8:30 | 8:30 | 7:30 | 8:30 | 10:00 | 10:00 |
- 程式執行結果參考:
[1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Input (0-6) : 3 You have to wake up on 8:30. [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Input (0-6) : 1 You have to wake up on 7:30. [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Input (0-6) : 0 You have to wake up on 10:00.
- 設計一個名為grade.c的程式
- 要求使用者輸入成績等第,並輸出評語
- 成績等第與輸出評語對應如下表
grade | A | B | C | D | E |
comment | Excellent | Good | Average | Poor | Failing |
- 成績等第可輸入大寫或小寫
- 程式執行結果參考:
[1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Grade (A-E) : A Excellent [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Grade (A-E) : c Average [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Grade (A-E) : E Failing
- 設計一個名為date.c的程式
- 要求使用者輸入兩個整數,分別為月份與日期
- 將其轉換以英文輸出
- 程式執行結果參考:
[1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Enter month (1-12): 6 Enter day (1-31): 1 Your input date is the 1st day of June. [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Enter month (1-12): 7 Enter day (1-31): 11 Your input date is the 11th day of July. [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Enter month (1-12): 8 Enter day (1-31): 2 Your input date is the 2nd day of August. [1:18 user@ws ~] ./a.out Enter month (1-12): 6 Enter day (1-31): 21 Your input date is the 21st day of June.
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