國立屏東大學 資訊工程學系 物件導向程式設計
Person類別是用以對「真實世界(real world)」中的「人」進行「抽象對映(mapping abstraction)」的定義。
Data Members
- [-] firstname : string
- [-] lastname : string
Member Functions
- [+] set_firstname(string fn) : void –> setter for firstname
- [+] get_firstname():string –> getter for firstname
- [+] set_lastname(string fn) : void –> setter for lastname
- [+] get_lastname():string –> getter for lastname
- [+] showInfo(): void –> print out its information
Constructor and Destructor
- Person() –> set default values of firstname and lastname as “unknown”
- Person(string fn, string ln) –> set firstname and lastname as fn and ln
- ~Person() –> print out that it has been deleted!
Student是繼承自Person類別的類別,用以對「真實世界(real world)」中的「學生」進行「抽象對映(mapping abstraction)」的定義。但比起Person類別,Student類別又更為特別一些,它還多了一個名為ID的data member及相關的setter與getter:
Data Members
- [-] firstname : string
- [-] lastname : string
- [-] ID : string
Member Functions
- [+] set_firstname(string fn) : void –> setter for firstname
- [+] get_firstname():string –> getter for firstname
- [+] set_lastname(string fn) : void –> setter for lastname
- [+] get_lastname():string –> getter for lastname
- [+] showInfo(): void –> print out its information
- [+] set_ID(string id): void –> setter for ID
- [+] get_ID(): string –> getter for Id
Constructor and Destructor
Source Code
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #ifndef _PERSON_ #define _PERSON_ class Person { private: string firstname; string lastname; public: Person(); Person(string, string); ~Person(); void showInfo(); void set_firstname(string fn); string get_firstname(); void set_lastname(string ln); string get_lastname(); }; #endif
#include "person.h" Person::~Person() { cout << "A Person is removed." << endl; } Person::Person() { cout << "A Person is created." << endl; } Person::Person(string fn, string ln) { firstname=fn; lastname=ln; } void Person::showInfo() { cout << "Name: " << firstname << " " << lastname << endl; } void Person::set_firstname(string fn) { firstname=fn; } void Person::set_lastname(string ln) { lastname=ln; } string Person::get_firstname() { return firstname; } string Person::get_lastname() { return lastname; }
#ifndef _STUDENT_ #define _STUDENT_ #include "person.h" class Student : public Person { private: string ID; public: Student(); Student(string fn, string ln, string id); ~Student(); void set_ID(string id); string get_ID(); }; #endif
#include "student.h" Student::Student() { cout << "A Student is created." << endl; } /* Student::Student(string fn, string ln, string id):Person(fn, ln) { ID=id; } */ Student::Student(string fn, string ln, string id):Person(fn, ln), ID(id) { // ID=id; } Student::~Student() { cout << "A Student is removed." << endl; } void Student::set_ID(string id) { ID=id; } string Student::get_ID() { return ID; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "student.h" int main() { Student *amy = new Student("Amy", "Chang", "s111418099"); amy->showInfo(); delete amy; return 0; }
all: person.o student.o g++ main.cpp person.o student.o -o main person.o: person.cpp person.h g++ -c person.cpp student.o: student.cpp student.h g++ -c student.cpp clean: rm -f *.o main *.*~ *~
cpp/classexamples/person7.txt · 上一次變更: 2022/05/05 16:24 由 junwu