國立屏東大學 資訊工程學系 物件導向程式設計
所謂的邏輯運算式(logical expression)亦稱為布林運算式(boolean expression),但其運算結果為只有true與false兩種可能的布林值(boolean value)。Java語言提供boolean型態,其數值為true與false兩種。有三種運算子與邏輯運算式相關:關係運算子、相等運算子與邏輯運算子,分述如下:
<note tip>邏輯運算與布林值是由著名數學家George Boole所提出,是當代電腦科學的基礎。</note>
關係運算子是一個binary運算子,用以判斷兩個運算元(數值、函式、變數或運算式)之間的關係,其可能的關係有﹕大於、小於、等於、或不等於。Java語言提供以下的關係運算子,如table 1:
相等運算子是一個binary運算子,用以判斷兩個運算元(數值、函式、變數或運算式)之值是否相等。Java語言提供以下的關係運算子,如table 2:
<note important>是 == , 不是 = 。 千萬不要將比較兩數是否相等的==寫成=,這實在是一個常常會遇到的錯誤!建議您以後如果遇到程式執行結果錯誤,但找不出任何問題時,試試檢查一下所有的 = 與 ==,有很高的機會可以改正您的程式。</note>
邏輯運算子共有以下三種,如table 3:
其運算結果請參考table 4的真值表:
((score >= 0) && (score <=100))
我們將目前為止介紹過的運算子之優先順序整理如table 5(表中是以優先權高至低依序列示):
if ( expression ) statement
if (score >= 60) System.out.println("You are pass!");
if ( expression ) { statements }
if (score >= 60) { System.out.printf("Your score is %d\n", score); System.out.println("You are pass!"); }
如果我們想判斷的條件不只一個,那又該怎麼辦呢?其實if敘述也是敘述,所以在compound statement中當然可以含有if敘述,請參考下面的程式:
if (score >= 60) { System.out.printf("Your score is %d\n", score); System.out.println("You are pass!"); if(score >= 90) { System.out.println("You are very excellent!"); } }
<note important>良好的縮排(indent)習慣,可以為您的程式碼帶來容易閱讀、維護與除錯等好處。</note>
if (score >= 0) { if(score <= 100) { System.out.printf("This score %d is valid!\n", score); } }
if ((score >= 0)&&(score <=100)) { System.out.printf("This score %d is valid!\n", score); }
<note important> 我曾經看過有人把程式這樣寫,雖然我可以瞭解其用意,但這個程式是錯誤的!因為relational operator是左關聯,0<=score<=100 → (0<=score)<=100,假設score為50 → true <=100 → ⇐運算子的左右兩邊資料型態不一樣,無法進行運算。
if ( 0 <= score <= 100) { System.out.printf("This score %d is valid!\n", score); }
if ((score >= 0)&&(score <=100)) { System.out.printf("This score %d is valid!\n", score); } if((score<0) || (score>100)) { System.out.printf("Error! The score %d is out of range!\n", score); }
if ( expression ) statement else statement if ( expression ) { statements } else { statements }
if ((score < 0) || (score >100)) { System.out.printf("Error! The score %d is out of range!\n", score); } else { System.out.printf("This score %d is valid!\n", score); }
if ((score < 0) || (score >100)) { System.out.printf("Error! The score %d is out of range!\n", score); } else { if(score>=60) { System.out.printf("You are pass!\n"); } }
if ((score < 0) || (score >100)) { System.out.printf("Error! The score %d is out of range!\n", score); } else { if(score>=60) { System.out.printf("You are pass!\n"); } else { System.out.printf("You are fail!\n"); } }
if ((score < 0) || (score >100)) { System.out.printf("Error! The score %d is out of range!\n", score); } else if(score>=60) { System.out.printf("You are pass!\n"); } else { System.out.printf("You are fail!\n"); }
deptID | 系所名稱 | 分機號碼 |
1 | 資訊工程系 | 21201 |
2 | 電腦與通訊系 | 21303 |
3 | 電腦與多媒體系 | 21701 |
int deptID; Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); deptID=sc.nextInt(); if( deptID == 1 ) { System.out.printf("Computer Science and Information Engineering\n"); System.out.printf("Phone: (08)7238700 ext.21201.\n"); } else if( deptID == 2 ) { System.out.printf("Computer and Communications\n"); System.out.printf("Phone: (08)7238700 ext.21303.\n"); } else if( dept == 3 ) { System.out.printf("Computer and Multimedia\n"); System.out.printf("Phone: (08)7238700 ext.21701.\n"); } else { System.out.printf("The value of deptID %d is invalid!\n", deptID); } sc.close();
switch (expression) { case constant-expression: statements … case constant-expression: statements default: statements }
int deptID; Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); deptID, sc.nextInt(); switch (deptID ) { case 1: System.out.printf("Computer Science and Information Engineering\n"); System.out.printf("Phone: (08)7238700 ext.21201.\n"); break; case 2: System.out.printf("Computer and Communications\n"); System.out.printf("Phone: (08)7238700 ext.21303.\n"); break; case 3: System.out.printf("Computer and Multimedia\n"); System.out.printf("Phone: (08)7238700 ext.21701.\n"); break; default: System.out.printf("The value of deptID %d is invalid!\n", deptID); } sc.close();
請將上述程式碼編輯、編譯並加以執行,看看結果為何? 注意,在這個程式中,每個case的敘述後都加了一個break敘述,其作用是讓程式的執行跳離其所屬的程式區塊中,一個程式區塊(block)是一組左右對稱的大括號與其內的敘述所組成。假設deptID的輸入值為2,程式的執行會跳過一部份,直接到case 2:的地方再加以執行,直到遇到break時,則跳出所屬的程式區塊,意即結束了這個switch敘述的執行。
若把上述程式中的break敘述全部移除,假設使用者還是輸入2,那麼程式從case 2開始執行後就會一直執行到底,其輸出結果為:
2 Computer and Communications Phone: (08) 7238700 ext.21303. Computer and Multimedia Phone: (08) 7238700 ext.21701. The value of deptID 2 is invalid!
switch (choice) { case 'i': insert_data(); break; case 'x': execute(); break; case 'q': System.exit(0); break; }
switch (weekday) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 5: System.out.printf("After school at 4:00pm\n"); break; case 3: System.out.printf("After school at 12:00am\n"); }
int n=0, sum=0; Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); n=sc.nextInt(); switch (n) { case 10: sum+=10; case 9: sum+=9; case 8: sum+=8; case 7: sum+=7; case 6: sum+=6; case 5: sum+=5; case 4: sum+=4; case 3: sum+=3; case 2: sum+=2; case 1: sum+=1; } System.out.printf("Sum=%d\n", sum); sc.close();
Java語言還有提供一種特別的運算式,稱為條件運算式(conditional expression),可依條件決定運算式的傳回值,其語法如下:
expression1 ? expression2 : expression3
if (expression1) result = expression2; else result = expression3;
int x=1, y=2, z; if(x>y) z=x; else z=y;
z= x>y ? x: y;即可,是不是簡化很多?下面這行程式,假設score為學生成績,則可以簡單地檢查score是否大於100,若超過100則以100分計。
score = score > 100 ? 100 : score ;
x = (x%10)!=0 ? (x-x%10+10) : x;